Eventing: New Fei Calendar Measures

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Bologna, March 25, 2021 – After the resolutions concerning endurance, show jumping and dressage, Fei would also like to share the Eventing Calendar measures which have been approved by the Board. Once again, these measures seek to mitigate the negative effects of Covid-19 and EHV-1. And in particular to allow as many Events as possible to take place leading up to Tokyo. Above all, they will provide Athletes more opportunities to compete to obtain the Minimum Eligibility Requirements (MERs) and Confirmation Results. And also to train for the Olympic Games as well as for other Championships. Meanwhile for Organisers, these measures provide more flexibility to re-schedule their cancelled or postponed Events. The FEI Eventing Calendar measures approved by the FEI Board are: FEI Board approved that all Event Organisers may, until the end of Tokyo 2020 Games, organise their Events on their selected dates. No Dates Clash Rules shall apply during that time. As stated in the Olympic Regulations, any additional Event which has not organised a CCI4* on a regular yearly basis will be included as “non-OG MER”.